From Deb's Desk
Posted on 25 May 2016
A reflection after attending the 2016 National Young Leaders Day.
On Monday we joined over 2400 people at Arena Manawatu in Palmerston North.
We listened to, and were inspired by some amazing speakers who know the power of self-belief and surrounding yourself with people that believe in you!
One of the speakers, a talented dancer, Brylee Mills, talked about the challenges she has faced. After a terrible car accident while on a family holiday, Brylee had to have one of her arms amputated. She persevered with her desire to dance, and secured a scholarship to the Brent Street Dance Academy in Sydney, a first for a disabled dancer. Brylee’s positive outlook was very inspirational.
"The obstacles don’t have to define who you are…or who you become”, Brylee Mills
So many of the messages came back to our own school vision and values, the speakers talked about their own schooling experiences and to be honest many struggled to ‘fit’, to feel success in the school environment. It wasn’t until they realised that someone believed in them that they started to see their personal potential. As a member of our school I know we are on the right track as we work to encourage our children to give their ‘Personal Best Always’, the challenge is to ensure every child knows they are good at something, at home and at school.
And finally I leave you with a little theory from Johnny Wilson another of the speakers. He called it the Rice Bubble Theory…and I think it works for us all.
"Be Bubbly…and remember leaders (you can also read parents/grandparents/whanau/brothers/sisters here) - Can’t Snap, Crackle under pressure, or Pop – Can’t give up.”
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