- Life Cycle Learning 9 March 2016
This term Room One have a learning focus on 'lifecycles'. Check out some of their art. - Levin - Go Active Kids TRYathlon 9 March 2016
The Go Active Kids TRYathlon is back for 2016. The Go Active Kids TRYathlon is a great way for children to have fun, keep fit and make new friends. Open to children 5-13 years old, the Go Active kids TRYathlon gives children a chance to unleash their pote - School and Community BBQ 7 March 2016
Our annual event was well supported on Sunday. As always a great way to catch up with old friends and to welcome our new families. More pics available in the photo gallery in 'Our learning and fun in pictures' - Beach Flags 5 March 2016
- Week 4 - From Deb's Desk 25 February 2016
- A great way to spend lunchtime 22 February 2016
- An Awesome Day!!! 16 February 2016
- From Deb's Desk 9 February 2016
An overview of the past week from Deborah Logan, Principal - Link to previous blog 12 January 2016
Clicking the link below will take you to the previous school blog.